Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hi! This is my first official post!! hehe.

So I am here in New Zealand for 6 months, doing a study abroad program at the Auckland University of Technology. So far, so good.

The first weekend here I went on a trip to Mt. Eden...where we played on black sand dunes, went sand dune jumping/rolling, swimming in the ocean, and wine tasting.

On wednesday we instituted "Wine Wednesday" in my apartment of 4 girls, where we proceed to drink a bottle of 1 white, and 1 red wine (although we also added champagned to the mix), and lots of cheese. :)

The second weekend (this past weekend), I went to Coromandel Peninsula, where I went to Cooks Beach, Lonely Bay, Cathedral Cove, Ferry Landing, Hahei Beach, and Hot Water springs. All very nice places. :) I went with a group of 13 other BU study abraod students..we rented 3 cars and drove for 3 hours, and it was terrific. We camped the whole weekend, one night at Cook's beach, and the next at Hahei. From Cook's beach, we hiked to Lonely bay, a shell beach (Soooo cool!), climbed on rocks, and hiked back. We had a bonfire later that night on the beach, were a few kiwis joined us. :) After we drove to Hahei, we set up camp, and went to Cathedral Cove - a 1 hour hike to a beach, where at low tide you can walk through a cove to the other side of the beach. very nice. The next day we went to Hot water springs, where you can dig in the beach at low tide and boiling hot water will come up. It was relaxing.

Well, I have rambled for far too long. Just look at pictures:


Also, for those of you who want my mailing address, here it is:

Naomi Butler
Unilodge, Apartment 1108D
138 Anzac Avenue
Auckland, New Zealand


Lisa said...

Heey nomes
sounds like your time there is about as amazing as it could get. I'm so jealous. But seriously I am glad it is as awesome as all that. Keep updating the blog and adding pics.

bruce said...

naomi your pictures are good. and who's idea was it to set up a blog? man they musta been smart.